Wednesday, July 22, 2009


My first ever paranormal has been signed by Noble Romance publishing.
I am very excited to share the news.

This story deals with two couples. Lady Serena Willard and Derek Boydington AND Dr. Sabine Williams and Det. Drake Boyd.

Serena and Derek live in Renaissance England under King Henry VIII's rule. She is a noble woman of society, and is accused of witchcraft and eventually executed.
Derek is a poor man looking to change his station in life to marry the woman he loves. Trouble is, he finds out that she is to be executed for witchcraft. Too late to save her, Derek lives his life in shame as he in a weak moment married a woman to save her reputation. Unable to stand a loveless marriage, or a life without his beloved Serena, he joins the king's army to spy for the King.

Sabine and Drake live in present day Fort Worth. She is a Doctor, with recurring nightmares in which she can't explain, but feels the suffocating bindings around her throat.

Drake is a Detective. His life is less than perfect. He fears dying alone. Their chance meeting happens when Drake is shot in a drug bust gone bad. He spends days in a coma recovering from his wounds. Sabine never leaves his side. She is compelled to stay beside him in his hour of need. Something about him is familiar. But she can't place where she's seen his face.

He walks in a misty cloud on some beach in a death stroll. He must atone for his sins. The heavenly mother was sent to help him Right the wrongs in his life. Problem is, it's not his life he must correct in Renaissance England....but another man who looks just like him.

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